a name and phone number written on the bottom of frisbee golf disc with sharpie

Effective Techniques for Removing Sharpie from Your Discs

Most disc golfers choose to write their name and number on their discs for a few key reasons. Firstly, it serves as a form of insurance against losing their beloved discs. In the fast-paced and dynamic nature of disc golf, it is not uncommon for a throw to go astray or for a disc to become misplaced. By clearly labeling their discs with their name and number, disc golfers increase the chances of having their lost discs returned to them if found by someone else. This simple act of labeling fosters a sense of community and goodwill among disc golfers, as it encourages those who stumble upon lost discs to make an effort towards reuniting them with their rightful owners.

Secondly, there is a more practical reason behind marking discs with personal information. According to the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) rules, it is actually a requirement to mark discs with identifying information. This rule ensures fairness and integrity in competitive disc golf, preventing any confusion or disputes over ownership.

Writing one’s name and number on a disc in disc golf serves both as a safeguard against loss and as compliance with PDGA regulations, emphasizing the importance of personal identification and camaraderie within the sport.

Techniques for removing sharpie marks

If you have sharpie writing on disc golf discs you want removed, don’t worry! There are several effective techniques you can use to remove them.

Here are some options:

1. Rubbing alcohol

One of the most widely used methods for removing sharpie marks is rubbing alcohol. Here’s how you can do it:

Take a cotton ball or a soft cloth and dampen it with rubbing alcohol.
Gently rub the marked area in a circular motion.
Continue rubbing until the sharpie marks start to fade.
Once the marks are no longer visible, rinse the disc with water to remove any residue.
Dry the disc thoroughly before using it again.

2. Acetone or nail polish remover

bottle of nail polish removerAcetone or nail polish remover can also be effective in removing sharpie marks. However, be cautious when using this method, as acetone can potentially damage the disc’s surface if not used correctly. Follow these steps:

Apply a small amount of acetone or nail polish remover to a cotton ball or a soft cloth.
Gently rub the marked area, applying slight pressure.
Continue rubbing until the sharpie marks disappear.
Rinse the disc with water to remove any remaining residue.
Ensure the disc is completely dry before using it again.

3. Use a Magic Eraser

If you have a Magic Eraser or a similar melamine foam cleaning pad, you can try using it to remove sharpie marks. Here’s what you need to do:

Dampen the Magic Eraser with water.
Gently rub the marked area in a circular motion.
Continue rubbing until the sharpie marks start to fade.
Rinse the disc with water to remove any residue.
Dry the disc completely before using it again.

magic eraser

4. Baking soda paste

Baking soda is known for its cleaning properties. You can create a paste using baking soda and water to remove sharpie marks. Follow these steps:

In a small bowl, mix baking soda with a few drops of water to form a paste.
Apply the paste to the sharpie marks using a soft cloth or a toothbrush.
Gently scrub the marks in a circular motion.
Rinse the disc with water and dry thoroughly.

Remember to always test these methods on a small, inconspicuous area of the disc first to ensure they do not cause any damage.


Sharpie marks on disc golf discs can be frustrating, but with the right techniques, they can be effectively removed. By following the maintenance tips and trying out the methods mentioned in this article, you can keep your discs in great condition and ensure optimal performance on the disc golf course. Remember to always handle your discs with care and take the time to clean them after each use. Happy disc golfing!

